Monday, September 12, 2016

Content Repurposing in a Nutshell - #infographic

Content writers and alike have to steadily work every day to come up with new topics on different niche. Furthermore, they also have to make sure that each content doesn't just discuss again what other content has already featured. After this, they also have to undergo the tedious task of writing a draft and doing in-depth research to make the content as credible as possible. If they managed to pull off a sensible draft, they can now make a final write-up that is ready for publishing. If you are a content writer, you have to endure this exhausting cycle that ensues each day, and depending on the number of content scheduled for production, you might just find yourself burnt-out one day.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of other factors can make a content a deal breaker or disaster - and it all boils to down to the stress and the pressure involved in the content creation process. Sure enough, a well-crafted piece starts from a carefully chosen topic, but there will come a point that you will eventually run out of ideas for a certain subject. To save you from this dreadful experience, this visual guide from CJG Digital Marketing presents the content writing tactic called content repurposing. As what the name implies, content repurposing aims to help you generate new content just by expanding some of the subtopics on your previous content, or by giving your old content a new format. Take a look at the infographic below and see how content repurposing can actually improve your overall content creation strategy.

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